Hagoort & Partners
Executive Search


Kestria, the world's largest executive search alliance

We are Kestria, the world's largest executive search alliance.

We are Kestria

Cees Hagoort

Cees Hagoort

Founder & Managing Director

Patrick Westerburger

Patrick Westerburger

Managing Partner

Kestria is 's werelds grootste executive search organisatie met vestigingen in Europa, Midden Oosten, Amerika, Azië en Australië. Kestria heeft meer dan 350 senior search consultants verspreid over 90 vestigingen in 6 continenten.

Wereldwijd netwerk


Transformations are hard, digital ones even harder

Digital transformations are challenging endeavors, with digital transformations being ever more complex. In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, the survival and growth of established organisations hinge on their ability to navigate this intricate journey. Embracing digital transformation is not just an option but a necessity for remaining competitive. It's crucial for businesses to understand the multifaceted nature of digital transformation to thrive and adapt in a perpetually evolving landscape.

Digitalisation in Life Sciences Ireland

BCG recently reported that less than 20% of biopharma companies have successfully executed a digital transformation, which is well below the 35% cross-industry average. The report also highlighted that this lack of success appears to be due to an incremental approach that has resulted in 88% of digitalisation efforts happening within silos, not company-wide. Therese Keohane, Director of Operations, Kestria Ireland, interviewed Mohamed Noor, Digitalisation Manager at NIBRT, about digitalisation in Life Sciences in Ireland.

AI and personalization: Enhancing shopping, recommendations and service

In today's retail industry, digital transformation rules are fueled by AI and tech advances. Consumers want personalized experiences, driving a rise in targeted marketing and custom products. Online shopping remains strong, complemented by a renewed interest in physical stores. Sustainability and ethics now heavily influence buying decisions, pushing retailers towards responsible practices. However, challenges like supply chain issues and changing consumer needs demand agility and innovation for continued success.

“Toen we ons wereldwijde team in Amsterdam aan het opbouwen waren, vroegen we Hagoort & Partners (Kestria Nederland) om kandidaten met relevante track records te vinden voor diverse posities binnen ons bedrijf. Met succes wisten ze de mensen die we nodig hadden te zoeken, voor ons bedrijf te interesseren en te selecteren. Met hun professionele aanpak en werkwijze hebben we diverse kandidaten aangenomen op executive, directie en managerial posities.”

Lees meer
Johan Swarts, Director Human Resources Global Tools and Services, Sandvik Mining
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